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Assessment 1 Instructions_ Evolution of the Hospital Industry_

Assessment 1 Instructions: Evolution of the Hospital Industry:... 10/03/2023, 18:23

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Assessment 1 Instructions: Evolution of the Hospital Industry:

A Comparative Analysis

Write a 2-3 page paper about the similarities and differences in hospital care from the 1800s, 1960s, and today,

plus your analysis conclusions. Include a research table in the appendix of your paper.

Izabella is a health care historian. She has been hired by the Philadelphia Medical Society to research and

develop a storyboard of hospital care quality from the first hospital to today’s hospitals. The storyboard will

cover the evolution of the hospital environment, staff education, level of care, and how hospital services were

paid for.

Izabella’s storyboard begins with the fact that hospitals had humble beginnings in the United States. The first

hospital in America was founded in Philadelphia in 1751! Its mission was “to care for the sick-poor and insane

who were wandering the streets" of Philadelphia (Penn Medicine, n.d., para. 1). Having a historical perspective

on health care changes and trends is critical to understanding how to improve health care today and in the

future. What kind of medical care might a patient have received in the first 18th-century hospital?

As a health care administrator, you will often do research on a topic to provide background information for

decision making, committee work, or creating policies. It is often best practice to use a comparison table to lay

out and visualize your research notations.


Penn Medicine. (n.d.). History of Pennsylvania



Imagine you are a patient with a serious illness in a hospital in the 1800s, in the 1960s, and today. Think about

the room configurations, the skills of the nurses and other staff, the level and type of care, and how you would

pay for the care, both now and in the previous centuries.


Write a 2–3 page paper about the similarities and differences in hospital care from the different time periods

(1800s, 1960s, and today), as well as the conclusions you drew from your analysis. Include a research table in the

appendix of your paper.

Complete the following:

1. The textbook is suggested as the most efficient resource for this assessment, or use at least two other Page 1 of 3Assessment 1 Instructions: Evolution of the Hospital Industry:... 10/03/2023, 18:23

resources from those provided for this assessment. You may also use resources you find on your own from

the History of Health Care Research tab in the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library

Research Guide to research how the hospital industry has evolved in terms of hospital environment,

medical staff education, level of care in hospitals, and payment systems.

You will need to reference a total of three scholarly sources in your paper.

Be sure to cite these references within the body of your paper correctly using APA-style citations.

2. Complete the Comparative Analysis Table: Hospital Care Evolution, located in the appendix of the

Comparative Analysis Template [DOCX].

Provide two descriptive changes for each time period under each of the headings.

Add bullet points to each cell in the table to document the descriptive changes that you have

found for each topic.

Document the source where you found the information for each cell in the table, using APA-

style citations.

3. Refer to the Comparative Analysis Assessment Exemplar [PDF] for an example of how to translate the

information from the table into a written paper.

Note that the assessment exemplar is written about the evolution of physicians' practices and not

hospital care, which is the topic for this assessment.

Do not copy the exemplar text into your paper. You should submit original written work about the

evolution of hospitals in your paper.

4. Write an introduction to the paper using the Comparative Analysis Template [DOCX].

Include a brief explanation of the purpose of the paper and main ideas.

Reference significant trends that you noticed as appropriate.

Refer to the Writing Support page on Campus for resources to help you as you write and revise

your paper.

5. Write the body of the paper.

Write the Hospital Care Evolution section in the assessment template, using the information from

the Comparative Analysis Table you completed.

Describe your findings about each topic in the different time periods under each subtopic


Explain the trends in hospital environment, medical staff education, level of care in

hospitals, and the payment systems in a short paragraph (3–4 sentences) for each topic,

using the subheadings provided in the assessment template.

Cite all references used within the body of your paper using APA-style citations.

Write the Comparative Analysis section (1–2 paragraphs) in the assessment template.

Write a brief summary of your comparisons and analysis about the significance of the key

changes from the different time periods.

Draw conclusions about how the hospital industry has evolved from the 1800s to the

1960s to today and about the significance of the key milestones from the different time


Give specific examples of the impact on the quality of patient care during these time


6. Write a conclusion paragraph where you summarize the main ideas included in the paper. Page 2 of 3Assessment 1 Instructions: Evolution of the Hospital Industry:... 10/03/2023, 18:23

Explain why it is important to study the history of hospital care for your profession.

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Your paper should be 2–3 pages, in addition to the title page, appendix, and reference page.

Double space your paper, and use Times New Roman, 12-point font, as indicated in the assessment


Use a minimum of three resources; you may include the textbook.

Complete all parts of the assessment template, using the headings provided in the template.

Support all points with credible evidence, in the form of APA citations. Refer to Evidence and APA in the

Capella Writing Center for help with using APA style.

Include a references page in APA format with appropriate citations.

Complete the Comparative Analysis Table: Hospital Care Evolution table in the appendix of the

assessment template.

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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course

competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze trends in the U.S. health care system from a historical perspective.

Compare and contrast the hospital environments of the 1800s, 1960s, and today.

Compare and contrast the level of care provided in hospitals of the 1800s, 1960s, and today.

Compare and contrast the payment systems in the hospitals of the 1800s, 1960s, and today.

Draw conclusions about how the hospital industry has evolved from the 1800s, to the 1960s, to


Competency 3: Analyze the development of medical education in the United States.

Compare and contrast the staff education level in hospitals of the 1800s, 1960s, and today.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity,

dignity, and integrity of others.

Appropriately addresses all components of the assessment prompt, using the assessment

description to structure text.

Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.