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Family roles and challenges

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Family roles and challenges

The roles I hold within the family and the challenges I encounter
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In my family, I have been assigned to undertake some roles that include undertaking the family budgeting and shopping twice weekly or monthly, and choosing the monthly and annual family trip sites and countries among other duties. Undertaking these roles has its challenges. In budgeting, the resources are limited and the varied needs have to be met. This requires that we have to discuss some of the items that have to be struck from their shopping demands. Negotiation and dialogue play a big role in the harmonization of the budget estimates. As student, I have to to go an extra mile in undertaking some of these roles by dedicating my time and energy to see their success even as I work hard to pass my classes. With the onset of COVID-19, my family has had to cut our costs by a very big margin as we try to minimize our expenditure and increase our savings. Communicating some of the decisions requires a lot of persuasion capabilities (Kaakinen et al., 2018). 
Planning for family trips is the most challenging task of all. The sites and places are chosen for trips and the various activities we will have to undertake during that period presupposes that you take into consideration various factors that include the geographical, economic, social, and political environment of that region, especially as pertaining international trips. Decision making in this case requires extensive consultation with the family members. One has to play the role of an impartial leader and avoid personal bias. In as much as differences might come out of this process, at the end of the day, we have to come to strike a consensus.
By undertaking the above roles among others, I have learned that maintaining a family requires meticulous decision making, good communication, and leadership. As a student, these roles challenge me to develop these vital values that can be of great essence in the delivery pf care in the future. Additionally, Vandall-Walker & Clark (2011) note that it requires that people within a family unit have to be flexible to adapt to the changing needs that may arise, like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.
Vandall-Walker, V., & Clark, A. M. (2011). It starts with access! A grounded theory of family members working to get through critical illness. Journal of Family Nursing, 17(2), 148- 181.