Topic: How Does Quality Of Life Influence the Health Status of Mental Health Users Who Attended Art Workshops at A Major London Art Gallery
Task 1:
Human health status and long term illness have generally been accepted as important information about the status of health of young adults. While these have the capability of providing critical information about the health status of young adults, they lack details about the social domain of life as well as the mental and physical life quality. Increase in the life expectancy also pinpointed the importance of many other metrics of health; especially, those that make use of quality derived from the years lived by the individual. The world Health Organization (WHO) identified the usefulness of assessing and improving the quality of life of people through improvement of health care facilities.
Health is regarded as a multifaceted term, life quality related to health is also multifaceted and it involves domains which have relationship and functionability with regards to social, physical, and emotional status1.
Though, the health concepts have witnessed cultural adjustment as well as historical adjustment; Health which is defined as a state of physical, metal and social wellbeing not merely in absence of diseases2-3. But an urgent need to examine the health boundaries and related issues so as to obtain elements which may include socio-cultural conditions. It has been acknowledge that moves to examine and investigate quality of life in relation to social wellbeing, status of health and wellbeing are valid area of concern within the context of research and clinical examinations4.
The metrics of quality of life provides the foundation upon which the effectiveness of disease and different treatments can be measured on individual bases.5 Improvement in the status of health and quality of life is an essential result when determining benefits of therapeutic treatments.6
Various hypotheses have been proposed examining the relationship between the quality of life and health related factors. However, only few of these studies have extensively studied how the variation in the quality of life may influence the health status of young adults and also consider a reverse causality or relationship between the two phenomena.The principal objective of this study is to examine the possible relationship between the quality of life and health status of young adults in the UK
Research Question Development
The health care profession in the UK has increasingly tried to make it known that its core objective is based on empirical principles which are established by intensive study and with the increasing concern about the young adult’s health due to the population explosion, it have become pertinent for researchers and policy makers to develop.
Much research has been devoted to young adult care and safety and covers a broad spectrum from the occurrence and prevention of morbidity, to healthy practices within young adult settings, state of health and safety standards. Due to the popularity and momentum recently observed to be roving around care practices for young adults, it becomes pertinent to conduct quantitative research and develop a research question which will provide answers that elaborate the methods of young adult care practices in relation to the quality of life. In light of this, this study presents the research question stated below;
What is the relationship between the quality of life and health status of the clients examined in the UK quality of life survey?
Quantitative Methods
Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.
Quantitative methods lay emphases on the measurement objectives and the analysis of data collected using mathematical, statistical or numerical methods adopting computational techniques. The principal aim of employing the quantitative research methodology is to examine the relationship between a phenomenon and other both within the same population. A quantitative research design can either be experimental or descriptive in nature. While the descriptive research design can only be used to establish relationships among variables, the experimental research design establishes causality between variables. It is however essential to understand that the method of quantitative research design are not mainly the most appropriate methodology for validation. They are most likely not very useful when the scope is understanding detailed and in-depth concept of an identified characteristics. The quantitative research design also make tagging fairly abstract construct spuriously precise. Therefore, this study will also consider the qualitative method of data analysis in determining the relationship between the status of health and quality of life of young adults in the UK.
For this study, the quantitative methodology will be adopted as the research is aimed at providing answer to a research problem from the perspectives of individuals involved. The strength of this type of research is that it is able to provide an empirical analysis of the topic in relation to some deep findings from quantitative data. It
Study Design
The quantitative study design will make use of the descriptive research design which is characterized as a simple attempt to determine, describe, identify and establish the relationship between the quality of life and health status of young adults using analytical research attempts. The study design is aimed at providing detailed information to issues of the young adult’s health through a process of data collection which enables the study to provide more detailed description of the situation than using the qualitative method.
Essentially, the descriptive research methodology will be used for description of the different aspect of this phenomenon using the popular format and also describing the characteristics of the sample drawn from the population. One good characteristics of the methodology adopted for this study is the fact that it only require 2 variables despite the ability of the descriptive research design to make use of many variables. The data collected from the mental health users who attended art workshops at a major London art gallerywill be analyzed using the one way ANOVA as the research will be made to examine how the quality of life influences the health status of the clients
Data Analysis
For this study, the quantitative and qualitative method of analysis will be adopted as the research seeks to understand a research problem from the perspectives of individuals involved using qualitative and quantitative datasets.
Quantitative Analysis.
Descriptive Statistics of Research Data
This analysis was set up to examine the relationship between the quality of life and health status of some mental health users who visited art workshops at a major London art gallery. The clients were made to rate their quality of life on a 5 points likert scale and then examined based on reported health status. The bar chart displayed below display the distribution of the client’s health status using the self reported quality of life.
The bar chart displayed above represent the distribution of the mean health score across the ratings of the quality of life. Clients with the very high quality of life are observed to have the highest mean health score value while clients with high life quality have the lowest mean health score. It can be observed from the graph that the variation in the health status cannot be attributed to the quality of life as given by the data. The Box plot also display the distribution of the health score for the 5 quality of life rating categories. The Very high quality of life ratings appear to be constant for all reported health status.
The table of descriptive statistics display above presents several descriptive indicators which include the mean, variance, Standard deviation, Minimum, Maximum, Skewness and Kurtosis. The standard normal distribution has skewness=0 and kurtosis = 0, therefore it can be inferred from the descriptive statistics table that 3 of the 5 ratings under consideration are normally distributed. In these results, the summary statistics are calculated separately by quality of life rating. The differences in the center and spread of the data for each rating can be easily observed. For example, Medium quality of life rating has the highest mean value and considerably large variation while the high quality of life rating have the lowest mean and lowest variation among the 5 rating category under consideration
A one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to examine the relationship between quality of life and reported health status. The different ratings of the health status considered are: Very high, High, Medium, Low and Very low. It was observed from the output generated by SPSS that there is no significant relationship between health status and the different rating of quality of life examined at p<.05 level [F(4,22) = 1.187, p>0.05.
This study has been able to establish the non-existence of relationship between quality of life and health status of mental health users who attended art workshops at a major London art gallery. The quantitative method which maintain a strong theoretical background as well as theoretical implications. One-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to examine the relationship between quality of life and reported health status. The different ratings of the health status considered are: Very high, High, Medium, Low and Very low. It was observed from the output generated by SPSS that there is no significant relationship between health status and the different rating of quality of life examined.
Task 2:
Research Question Development
Much research have been devoted to understanding client’s experience at the UK’s art gallery as it covers a large spectrum of enhancing satisfaction about the services of the gallery. Due to recent survey establishing sufficient findings about collecting data on personal experience of clients. It become pertinent to conduct a qualitative research and develop a research question which will provide answers that elaborate the experience of client’s at the UK art gallery. In light of this, this study present the research study stated below:
How do people feel about going to the art gallery session for the first time?
Qualitative Methods
The quantitative research methods focus on patterns and employs experiments as well as field research as its method. Also, the quantitative methods are deductive methods and make use of statistical sampling techniques. Contrary to quantitative research method qualitative research methodology are not passive research design and make use of observations gathered from interviews. The qualitative research design nature is inductive and relies on selection of participants purposefully. The reliability of instruments are used as a verification technique for quantitative research design, validity is used for verification in qualitative research design.
For this study, the qualitative methodology will be adopted as the research was set up to have deep understanding of the research problem using a method which allows direct involvement of the concerned individuals. This type of study finds its strength in its ability to provide complex textual description of the participants view on a particular topic. This method provides the natural view of the problem under consideration. This method is adopted due to its inductive approach which is an indication that the research data will be generated through the process of in-depth interview which allows taking the participants point of view on the topic of interest into consideration. This further portrays the comparative flexibility of the in-depth interview which enables researchers to obtain detailed information from the respondents.
Research Design
The qualitative research design brings about large number of words by using observational methods or interviews which are then described. The instruments most times require establishing association between several themes which are already identified or relation of information to demographic qualities of participants. The method analysis of qualitative research design generates implications for policy or practices which are obtained from the data of identifying puzzles from previous studies. Most importantly, the method develops theories and tests them by using advanced analytical techniques.
The qualitative interview methods were used in this study for the extraction of necessary data which are gathered by interviewing clients of the UK art gallery; these participants were questioned about their experience with the art gallery. Responses to the questions from the target respondents were made to go through transcription processes which were then categorized into the three qualitative data coding classes which are open, axial and selective coding.
The data gathered was analyzed focusing on the three-stage coding process stated above. The next step is the categorization of the themes into three major groups of axial coding. The final stage of this analysis is the selective coding. In this stage, the identification of relevant themes as
Research Findings
In this extract of the text, the interviewee discusses their experience and how it feels to visit the art gallery session. The interviewer aim to find out about the experiences of the client regarding their first visit to the UK art gallery.
A major theme in the responses to interview question could be ‘Though I didn’t like art before, but I love it now’ A talked about developing interest in arts just after visiting the UK at gallery for the first time. Their perception of arts is not the same after visiting the art gallery for the first time but no reference was made to how the visit changed their believe about arts
The interviewee talks about how the facilitator manages their condition at the art gallery despite understanding that it is their first time. They also developed interest in the programs at the art gallery. The indicated that the facilitators were able to help them feel part of the gallery community and that their help actually made a big difference as they were able to understand new ways of looking at the arts and describing colours. This made them that there are lots of benefits in UK art gallery.
The interviewees now have a clear idea about arts and the UK art gallery and can now confirm their love for arts. Though initially, they didn’t have good understanding about art but confirm upon visiting the UK art gallery for the first time that arts is calming and capable of removing them from all worries. The interviewees confirm that visiting the UK gallery for the first time is really a nice activity.
This study might want to start following up these categories and theme in subsequent interviews with clients visiting the UK art gallery for the first time. These could be augmented by interviews with facilitators to gain perspectives on satisfying the clients on their first visit to the art gallery. In order to gain a deeper understanding and also maintain rigour, this stiudy can consider some observational study as this different form of data would allow this study to be enriched contextual picture of managing the clients on their first visit to the art gallery and help highlight area for practical improvement.
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