Post response: Comparison of France and UK Heart Care
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Post response: Comparison of France and UK Health Systems
The author of the article provides a detailed comparison of the health care systems of France and the United Kingdom. The article is especially useful to persons with heart ailments looking to choose a country with the best medical services. It is evident that the author is knowledgeable with regards to the topic as given credence by the evidence based analysis used. The facts highlighted are correct and provide adequate information that may aid any decision making. The writer cites Euro Heart Index’s 2016 report which suggests that France has a better heart care system than England. It leads England in life expectancy rating (82% as compared to 72%) and lags the country with regards to heart disease death rate (29.97 compared to 60. 10). It is thus clear from the author’s perspective that France is the better choice for a person with heart ailments. In conclusion, the article is well written, fact-based and the information provided is extremely insightful. I, therefore, applaud the writer and suggest individuals select France over the United Kingdom when seeking heart disease treatment.
Health Consumer Powerhouse. (2016). Euro Heart Index. EHI 2016 international media release. Retrieved from: