Gastrointestinal cancer
Gastrointestinal cancer is the digestive tract cancer that may affect the stomach, large and small intestinal tract, pancreas, colon, rectum, anus, and the biliary body. According to Sitarz et al. (2018), gastrointestinal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death globally. Based on the world health organization, it is the fourth most common type of malignancy, with new cases increasing every century. The disease is brutal based on the scholarly review whereby the affected individual experience advanced signs and symptoms that are symptomatic (Sitarz et al., 2018). Despite various attempts to identify the cause, the cancer mutation is unclear, with more cases increasing daily. It is beneficial to learn the predisposing factors of gastrointestinal cancer, which will be discussed in the paper below.
The three most identical predisposing factors for gastrointestinal cancer include diet, lifestyle, and infection. Under these three factors, there is a further explanation by Huang & Lew (2018), which include smoking, alcohol intake, and red meat consumption to increase the chances of getting gastrointestinal cancer. Smoking, alcohol intake, and red meat consumption are categorized in the lifestyle attribute in our paragraph above. Diet includes consuming a lot of red meat-based on scientific analysis, hot liquid and food, spicy food, and a limited intake of vitamins. Helicobacter pylori and human papillomavirus are common diseases that contribute to an increase in gastrointestinal cancer occurrence (Huang & Lew, 2018).
Based on scholarly articles review, diet and dietary habits are the most commonly discussed risk factors that affect many people in the world. Dietary consumption is mentioned in most studies, especially in obese individuals having higher risk contributors. Lifestyle, on the other hand, has exceeded expectations, whereby smoking and alcohol result in damage to gastric mucosa cells leading to cancer. Frequent intestinal infections such as H. pylori tend to damage the intestinal lining, resulting in the development of scars that result in cancer development (Ara Ghoorun et al., 2015).
Ara Ghoorun, R., Liao, Y., Lin, F., Peng, J., & Yang, Z. (2015). Risk factors of gastric remnant cancer: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Global Surgery, 1(3).
Huang, Q., & Lew, E. (2018). Epidemiology and risk factors. Gastric Cardiac Cancer, 39-49.
Sitarz, R., Skierucha, M., Mielko, J., Offerhaus, J., Maciejewski, R., & Polkowski, W. (2018). Gastric cancer: epidemiology, prevention, classification, and treatment. Cancer Management and Research, 10, 239-248.