Generational Myth
The Bulk of Generational Talk
There are various generational myths about the Baby boomers (1945-1964), Gen X (1960-1980), Millennials (from 1981-1996) and Gen Z (from 1996) which explain why when someone is born is matters more than when they think. The contrived conflicts, myths, and stereotypes are very destructive when it comes to understanding of the generational differences which shapes the behaviors and attitudes of various issues such as sexuality activities, drinking alcohol, religion matters, various connections to trust other people and political parties and smoking. Gen X have an edge in implementing change in various cultural norms which include sexuality, race, gender identity and immigration. Another real difference between all these generations is the mental health disorders. The research conducted in 2019 by Dr. Twenge Shows that there is an increase in depression cases from 8.7% in 2005 to 13.5% in 2017 this is as a result of the social media platforms and use of smartphones. Another reason for the generational difference is politicians an example is when Barrack Obama repeatedly idolizes the coming generation and claims that they are focused on equality.
Personal Opinion
In my opinion, these Generations avoid facing up on various challenges such as the climatic change which is mostly blamed on the older generations rather than deal with such a situation while expecting salvation of the climate from the coming generations. I believe having such stereotypes mainly focuses on the wrong issue instead facing the issue at hand. An example of this issue is having various headlines about the spendthrift of the Gen X rather focusing on the huge shift in the current economic policy. The stereotypes also has various contradictions such as claiming the Gen X is only about making money and other stereotypes claim that Gen X are the social justice warriors , I believe that the younger generation are more comfortable with change such as sexuality matters, gender identity and less set in their own ways more than the older generation.