Govt 1621 Essay questions 10.5
What is the Westphalian system of states and how relevant is it today?
How did Liberals try to shape the international system to try and make war less likely?
Does Realism provide the best explanation for the Cold War? If not what theory do you think does?
Is conflict between China and the US inevitable?
Which theory helps to explain best the role of the United Nations in world politics?
Do you believe that the current world order is characterised by liberalism? Or is another theoretical ‘lense’ more appropriate? Provide specific examples and evidence to reach a conclusion on which theory best ‘fits’ the world in which we live.
What have been the major contribution of feminism to both the study and practice of international relations?
What is poststrustructuralist international relations, and does it afford a better understanding of power in international relations than the other approaches? (This question can be answered by choosing a contemporary issue and demonstrating the power of poststructuralism, or by comparing poststructuralism to alternative theories)
Select any issue in contemporary international relations and answer the question about it from one of the two alternatives:
Use one theory that you believe helps explain it best.
Compare and Contrast two theories and evaluate their competing explanations of your chosen issue
Why do states want nuclear weapons? Critically discuss this question, applying a realist analysis.
limited to 2,000 words, worth 40% of your overall grade.
The objectives of this assignment are to help students learn how to put together a coherent and convincing argument about one or more theories of international relations. The assignment combines skills in research and writing that have been foreshadowed and/or practised in the bibliographic assignment. Specific essay questions will be provided via Canvas at the beginning of week 5.
We will grade the Essay according to the following criteria:
1. Depth of research. (Note: this does not mean the more references the merrier. There is no fixed lower limit for the number of sources you will need to consult. Keep going until you are confident that you have enough to write a good essay).