Health Care Quality
Health Care Quality
Quality health care refers to the use of professional know-how to provide health services to individuals and increasing the chances of getting the desired health results. Healthcare assures quality by providing the required services and prescribing the right and necessary medicine. It also includes avoiding delays and missing diagnoses(Lynn). Ethics and quality assurance help in providing better health services. Ethics are the moral values that contribute to making the right decisions while providing health services while quality assurance provides the proper guidelines and ensures that excellent services rendered.
The ethical issues involved in measuring patient satisfaction include justice where the patients should receive the service that they deserve. The patient should also be treated in a way which shows that the institution respects him/her (Patrick, D. L., & Erickson). Additionally, it includes honesty and being transparent to the patient. Health care system can improve patient-centered care by asking the patients their views towards the services being offered to them. There should be excellent communication and personal relationship between the patients and health providers. Additionally, the doctors should have empathy.
Providers’ payers/insurance
Patients want to be treated with respect and to be given services that they deserve. The government is interested in regulating the activities of health and also employing qualified health providers. The providers earn their income by charging the patients, and they make sure that the right drugs are available in the health centers. The payers want the money they are giving to the providers to be put into proper use and also ensure patients receive excellent services. All stakeholders have a common objective which is to provide better health care to patients because they all have something to lose if the patients are neglected.
Patrick, D. L., & Erickson, P. (1993). Health status and health policy: quality of life in health care evaluation and resource allocation.
Lynn, J., Baily, M. A., Bottrell, M., Jennings, B., Levine, R. J., Davidoff, F., ... & Agich, G. J. (2007). The ethics of using quality improvement methods in health care. Annals of internal medicine, 146(9), 666-673.