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Health Data Management

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Health Data Management

Data Management
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Project Proposed
Based on the current needs of the patients, the best approach to apply clinical data is to include a clinical data management system. The application of this data management system will make it possible to analyze the points of care that are likely to confer benefits to the patient outcome. The clinical data management system will incorporate the data base containing patient information (Wager, 2017). The data base will be connected to the electronic health records in order to ensure continued analysis of clinical data to show trends and patterns in care.
The application of this data management system will also be subject to continuous updates to utilize the growing technological advancement. For instance, with time, there will be an incorporation of artificial intelligence to help in the holistic analysis of the patient data and aiding in the decision making process. In the initial stages, the project will include the introduction of a data base for the storage of patient data and analytical applications to aid in data analysis. Analysis will be further developed to give room to the application of artificial intelligence as the principle approach towards data analysis. Through this analysis, it will be possible to highlight areas in the patient care setting that need to be adjusted to safeguard patient outcome.
Stakeholders that will be impacted
The main stakeholders that will be impacted by the project include the physicians, the primary care nurses, the nurse specialists, and the leaders at each level of care. The physicians will be impacted directly as the decision makers in the care process. The physicians are involved in data entry to the electronic health records. Through this role, it will be possible to involve them directly in deciding the best analytical tools as well as ensuring accuracy of the information recorded for analysis. The primary care nurses will also be crucial members of the team since they are involved in data collection during primary care. The guidelines that will be developed after analysis of the clinical data are likely to also impact primary care delivery strategies. Nurse specialists are also part of the data entry team as well as the analysis of trends and patterns that are recognizable from the data. The department heads and the overall leadership of the organization will be involved in the implementation process to enhance the allocation of the necessary resources. The contribution of the leaders will also serve to ensure that the recommendations are pursued to improve the patient outcomes.
Patient Outcomes Impacted
The main patient outcomes that will be impacted will include financial risk protection, improved personalized care, as well as prevention of incidents. Financial risk protection will be conferred by lower costs of care that will be established following the avoidance of unwanted events (Eklund, 2019). The presence of data analysis will make it possible to fill gaps and ensure low risk of incidents for the patients. Data analysis will also make it possible to apply evidence-based intervention strategies that are crucial in preventing poor patient outcomes and lowering the overall cost of care. For instance, the introduction of hand hygiene procedures on noting that the rate of readmissions due to nosocomial infections is high.
Provision of person-centered care will be made possible by the presence of supportive data regarding the crucial interventions that can be adopted at each level of care. It will be possible to base decisions on what has been noted to work both at other settings as well as the current facility. Prevention of incidents will be attained through the recognition of the current trends and implementing a training program for the workers to avoid future occurrences. For instance, adopting interventions to help reduce the rate of falls at a surgical ward.
Technologies Required
The technology requirements will include a database for the storage of the information collected at the care setting, a data analysis application, as well as an interface for data implication results display to all the stakeholders. The storage will be paired with the electronic health record system being used at the facility to ensure that the data targeted is holistic in nature. The data analysis applications will be selected based on the preference of the practitioners. An upgrade will be made with time to incorporate artificial intelligence-based analysis which is more accurate in data analysis as well as the proposition of evidence-based care strategies.
The provision of a display interface will make it possible for the care givers to note the progress that has been achieved with time. It will also make it easy to propose action plans for the whole team based on the trend that has been noted during data analysis. For instance, every member will be able to tell the incidents that have been reported in the past month and the proposed evidence-based strategies towards safeguarding the patients from the same incident. Through this continuous updates, the patients will benefit from the best care interventions that has been adjusted to suit the needs noted at the point of care.
Project Team Roles
The project will include the nurse informaticist as the overall leader. The presence of the nurse informaticist will make it possible to explore the avenues of data application available given the scope of practice in relation to the care of the patients through the analysis of data and the formulation of an action plan (McGonigle, 2021). The primary care nurses, the physicians, and the nurse specialists will also be involved in data entry as well as the analysis process given that all these members take part in the entry of records into the electronic health records, they will be able to ensure continuity in implementation of the plan by ensuring timely data entry and analysis.
The organization leadership will be involved in the allocation of resources for the project. The leaders will also be involved in the process of monitoring the progress that has been attained in the implementation process. As the decision makers at the facility, the leaders will also be involved in the formulation of a plan to ensure that the data management system is continually updated to suit the needs of the patients. For instance, the leaders will be expected to decide the best time to incorporate artificial intelligence into the system for more timely analysis as well as accurate formulation of the best action plan.
Eklund, J. H., Holmström, I. K., Kumlin, T., Kaminsky, E., Skoglund, K., Höglander, J., ... & Meranius, M. S. (2019). “Same same or different?” A review of reviews of person-centered and patient-centered care. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(1), 3-11.
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: a practical approach for health care management. John Wiley & Sons.