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Healthcare comparison. UK and the US

Healthcare comparison. UK and the US.docx

Healthcare comparison. UK and the US

Healthcare Comparison US and UK
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2 Key Differences between Healthcare in the US and the UK
In the UK, the NHS covers all the services provided to the patient. It is common practice for a person to grow to old age before having paid for health services upfront. It includes coverage for major surgeries such as a liver transplant that usually costs too much money. Compared to the US, there is no universal health coverage (Erondu, 2018). The comparison of the NHS in the US is the presence of the Affordable care Act which covers the health needs of the population groups that are needy. For instance, coverage for care for the old and those from a low social economic status. Even though, not every health service is covered and there is effort to cut costs through bundled care systems.
The running of the healthcare provision in the UK is covered by the National Health Services with the funds being derived from the taxes. In the US, the running of healthcare services is done by the center for Medicare and Medicaid services and the US department of health (Perry, 2021). In comparison, the US is marked by both private and government based funding with the running of the services also being run by the two bodies unlike the UK where everything is run by the NHS.
The main approaches to advocacy in the current US system should aim at ensuring universal health coverage. The system is useful in safeguarding holistic population health and is also helpful in the reduction of overall cost of care. The other point of advocacy is to have totally public health system which will make it easy to control the cost of care all over the country. It will also make it easier to oversee public-based funding.
Erondu, N. A., Martin, J., Marten, R., Ooms, G., Yates, R., & Heymann, D. L. (2018). Building the case for embedding global health security into universal health coverage: a proposal for a unified health system that includes public health. The Lancet, 392(10156), 1482-1486.
Perry, M., Akbari, A., Cottrell, S., Gravenor, M. B., Roberts, R., Lyons, R. A., ... & Griffiths, L. (2021). Inequalities in coverage of COVID-19 vaccination: A population register based cross-sectional study in Wales, UK. Vaccine, 39(42), 6256-6261.