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healthcare needs

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healthcare needs

Health care needs of a patient
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Health care needs of a patient
From the case study above, I believe the patient is experiencing early signs and symptoms of pre-menopause. Her main health concerns also include: poorly controlled hypertension, yearly breast cancer screening and PAP smears for the previous ASCUS, and lifestyle modifications for her weight. A case study of a pre-menopausal, known hypertensive, had ASCUS and a family history of breast cancer.
Treatment regimen: which will include:
The treatment plan to this patient would involve both pharmacological along with lifestyle modifications and routine follow ups. In terms of patient’s education I would advise on dietary modifications, regular exercises, take good calcium diet, have regular screening that helps avoid cervical and breast. For her hypertension management I would probably discontinue the Norvasc and prescribe an alternative like an ACEIS like captopril 10mg daily. This would help to reduce the hot flushes that are of major concern to the patient. In recent clinical trials, research has shown that Norvasc has the following side effects; edema, dizziness, flushing, and palpitations in dose dependent manner (Zhang, 2020). I would also have the patient to keep daily records of her BP control for at least 2 weeks, then clinic follow up recordings of BPs to assess the effectiveness of her treatment. If the Blood pressure is well controlled by captopril I would as well reduce the dosage and frequency of hydrochlorothiazide. I would also consider hormone replacement therapy for the patient. However, this should be done cautiously because the increased risk of breast cancer. Finally provide follow ups and reinforce the by regular visits.