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Healthcare policies (1)

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Healthcare policies (1)

Healthcare Policies
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Types of Healthcare policies
The government sets regulatory health policies with the aim of overseeing and monitoring various behaviours in the healthcare system. Distributive health policies define the role of government in ensuring equitable distribution of healthcare services and resources (Buse et al., 2023). The government uses redistributive health policies to address existing inequalities in the healthcare system. The government does this by introducing programs such as Universal Healthcare Coverage and Community healthcare initiatives. Constituent health policies are laws and initiatives enacted by the government to promote public health, well -being and service delivery within a specific group of people (Buse et al., 2023).
Policy Analysis and Policy Advocacy
Policy advocacy entails the process where leaders and decision makers influence and take ownership of ideas and proposals hence affecting outcomes. Policy analysis on the other hand is defined as the process of examining and implementing certain policies with the aim of solving certain social or economic challenges within the society (Weimer et al., 2020).
Healthcare Issue Affecting Rural societies
Living in the rural areas has variety of benefits. Crime rates in the rural areas is much lower compared to in urban areas. People also embrace rural life due to the silence and calmness in these areas. These communities however face numerous challenges in accessing quality healthcare and information (Nguyen et al., 2020).
Poor quality of health care services in these areas is stimulated by various issues. Majority population in these areas lack access to health insurance services (Nguyen et al., 2020). Due to this, many avoid or delay access to health services due to fear high costs. Low income levels also poses a challenge to these societies .Accessing specialized care such as dental care and mental care presents a problem to these individuals.
Access to quality health care is also hindered by poor transport networks within these areas. This is a challenge mainly experienced by the elderly who in most cases have challenges in driving. This challenge is also stimulated by limited access to primary care providers and healthcare settings. Language and cultural barriers existing between healthcare staff and these communities also bring disparities in service provision (Luciano et al., 2020). Data leak in the health care system is also a major issue in service delivery. Some patients develop mistrust in digital record keeping process and avoid access to health. This is due to the increasing data privacy concerns in the healthcare system.
Health care access issue in rural areas needs to be addressed to ensure quality outcomes. To promote quality health care delivery, the government should enact several policies to establish scholarships, grants and federal aids to support nursing and medical students. Innovative medical programs and initiatives can be introduced in these areas to improve healthcare outcomes. Initiatives such as telemedicine can help improve patient access to primary care services (Luciano et al., 2020). This helps in managing chronic illnesses. Promoting patients involvement in their own treatment program should be adopted by healthcare providers to ensure patient confidence when accessing services. Infrastructural development policies should be enacted to improve healthcare outcomes. This can entail structural improvement of hospitals and accessible road networks.
Impact of Legistrature, Executive and Judiciary on Implementation of Healthcare Policies
Collaboration between the three arms of government facilitates effective implementation of health care policies and initiatives. The legistrative arm of government makes and amend laws which govern the healthcare system. This branch is also entitled to allocate funds for quality service and care delivery. The Executive arm ensures that all health policies are implemented. The judiciary on the other hand interprets these policies and ensures fair and equitable application. Together, the three arms of the government provide checks and balances, shaping the implementation of health care policies. This collaboration also safeguards the rights and interests of citizens within the healthcare system (Ashcraft et al., 2020).
Ashcraft, L. E., Quinn, D. A., & Brownson, R. C. (2020). Strategies for effective dissemination of research to United States policymakers: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 15, 1-17.
Buse, K., Mays, N., Colombini, M., Fraser, A., Khan, M., & Walls, H. (2023). Making Health Policy, 3e. McGraw Hill.
Luciano, E., Mahmood, M. A., & Mansouri Rad, P. (2020). Telemedicine adoption issues in the United States and Brazil: Perception of healthcare professionals. Health informatics journal, 26(4), 2344-2361.
Nguyen, N. H., Subhan, F. B., Williams, K., & Chan, C. B. (2020, April). Barriers and mitigating strategies to healthcare access in indigenous communities of Canada: a narrative review. In Healthcare (Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 112). MDPI.
Radin, B. A., & Weimer, D. L. (2020). Compared to what? The multiple meanings of comparative policy analysis. Theory and Methods in Comparative Policy Analysis Studies, 43-58.