I write in response to the email sent to me earlier regarding ATI TEAS misconduct with the allegation that there appeared to be a phone reflected on my screen during the time I was taking my exam.
I would like to categorically deny these allegations, as well as provide proof that it was not possible that I could have been using or near my phone at the time.
First, as you have pointed out, I use glasses and this is because I am nearsighted. One of the interventions that I use to further protect my eyes is screen distance which is optimized on my phone. When using my phone, it has to be at least 30 centimeters away from my face, as my screen shots will evidence. If I could have used my phone at 30 centimeters I have to directly look at it, which means the reflection be very apparent on my lenses.
Secondly, during the day of my exam, my child was home, sick. Therefore, during the period of my exam, I gave her the only phone I have as a distraction to keep her occupied as I completed my exam. I have attached logs from my YouTube Account as evidence to show that at that at the time I was on my exam, my phone was fully in use, as evidenced by the screen time logs, the step logs as well as the YouTube History, all which I have attached herein.
Thirdly, I have attached herewith my call logs. My call logs will indicate that within the period I was working on my exam, I had 3 missed calls. I use an iPhone and as you may know, not only are the notification tones loud, but so are the vibration haptics, which as you will see from my attached screen shots, are always on. Had I been I anywhere close to my phone, or even actively using it, this would have been captured through my exam audio as well. Attached you will find the call logs with evidence of that.
Finally, I have attached the logs of steps that are recorded by my phone’s pedometer. As you will note, during the period of my exam, the phone recorded some steps, which was indication of movement. At no point in the exam did I leave my desk, and had there been movement around me, I believe that my exam would have captured that.
Thank you for this opportunity. As you can see from my evidence as explained, the only phone in my household was actively in use, and had I been the one using, this would have been quite apparent. I am available to answer any questions that arise from this explanation.