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Information Technology in Nursing Practice - D220 wgu

Information Technology in Nursing Practice - D220 wgu.docx

Information Technology in Nursing Practice - D220 wgu

Information Technology in Nursing Practice provides a basic overview of information technology as it relates to the baccalaureate-prepared nurse. It is a foundational overview of nursing informatics with an emphasis on developing basic competency. This course teaches students that nursing informatics synthesizes nursing science, information science, and computer science through health applications to support decision-making in a dynamic healthcare environment. All prior courses in the sequence for this program serve as prerequisites for this course.
Course Planning
Explain Health Data
Identify Barriers to Informatics Use
Differentiate Among Health Information Systems and Technologies
Evaluate Health Information Technology Data
Describe Legal and Ethical Implications
Course Planning Tool
The course planning tool helps you and your faculty create a more accurate, personalized plan for your success. This tool will help you discover how familiar you already are with the course competencies so you can understand the level of effort it will likely take you to complete this course. You should work through the tool for this course before you register for the course. You can then refer to the tool report at any time. Launchthe Course Planning Tool
Information Technology in Nursing Practice provides a basic overview of information technology as it relates to the baccalaureate-prepared nurse. It is a foundational overview of nursing informatics with an emphasis on developing basic competency. This course teaches students that nursing informatics synthesizes nursing science, information science, and computer science through health applications to support decision-making in a dynamic healthcare environment.


Cohort Sign–up
Cohorts provide additional structure and support for challenging aspects of this course. In a cohort you receive specific homework assignments and meet online with mentors and students regularly to discuss the challenging topics.