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Assessment 4 Instructions_ Health Promotion Plan Presentation
Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation ... 07/06/2023, 18:48 Course Navigation Tutorials Support Log Out Elisha Cochran Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan...
NR546-Advanced Pharmacology- Psychopharmacology for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitione
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before...
Mathematics and statistics (Autosaved)
Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics refers to the science of generalization, interrelations, abstractions, combinations and operation of numbers as well as their measurement, structure and transformation. Branches of mathematics include trigonometry, algebra, calculus, statistics and trigonometry. Statistics deals with the collection, analysis, classification, and interpretation of numbers for the purpose of inferences based on probability. Application of statistics and mathematics in scientific problems, among other problems creates a logic problem solving approach. A degree in statistics and mathematics provides the perfect training in application and methods of statistics and mathematics. This degree covers pure mathematics and statistics as well as applied mathematics and statistics. This is an area of study in high demand by employers. It is a profession that is highly rewarding as compared to other study areas. Most graduates taking up mathematics and statistics end up in finance or business fields or teaching, and other diverse fields as health, and technology. Mathematics and statistics students may be required to use certain software to improve on their understanding of the course as well as help them solve problems. Thus, it is an area of study that demands a lot of commitment from the learners. Mathematics and statistics studies is not a walk in the park course. It is one of those courses that will have you glued to your books for the better part of your semester. You need to stay focused and avoid as many distractions as possible. A common distraction unknown to many students is homework. As positive as it may seem, quite often it pulls you from focusing on your studies as it demands plenty much time and focus as well. Especially with the very regular mathematics and statistics assignments. For this reason, we recommend that you seek help with your assignment from accredited homework helpers. is your ultimate homework helper. When it comes to statistics and mathematics homework help, we have all it takes to accomplish your homework and deliver to you high quality “A” grade papers. We are a team of homework helpers committed and dedicated to our clients academic excellence through handling all their assignment needs while they focus on their personal studies. This is an opportunity of a kind that no one should miss out on. Do not hesitate contacting us with all of your questions on mathematics and statistics coursework, mathematics and statistics term paper, or thesis assignment.
NR 500_Foundational Concepts & Advanced Practice Roles
CO 6: Analyze client indicators of therapeutic,...
Module 1 Assignment egin Research for Your Case Presentation Begin research for your Case Presentation based on what you have chosen in Module 3 Discussion ii. Due in module 7. No submission in this module. Module 2 Discussion No unread replies.No replies. The 50-Year-Old Patient Evaluation & Management Plan A 50-year-old woman presents to the office with complaints of excessive fatigue and shortness of breath after activity, which is abnormal for her. The woman has a history of congestive heart failure with decreased kidney function within the last year. The woman appears unusually tired and slightly pale. Additional history and examination rules out worsening heart failure, acute illness, and worsening kidney disease. The CBC results indicate hemoglobin is 9.5 g/dL, which is a new finding, and the hematocrit is 29%. Previous hemoglobin levels have been 11 to 13g/dL. The patient’s vital signs are temperature 98.7°F, heart rate 92 bpm, respirations 28 breaths per minute, and blood pressure 138/72. The practitioner suspects the low hemoglobin level is related to the decline in kidney function and begins to address treatment related to the condition. Discuss the following: Which test(s) should be performed to determine whether the anemia is related to chronic disease or iron deficiency, and what would those results show? Should the practitioner consider a blood transfusion for this patient? Explain your answer. Which medication(s) should be considered for this patient? What considerations should the practitioner include in the care of the patient if erythropoietic agents are used for treatment? What follow-up should the practitioner recommend for the patient? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
Assessment 1 Instructions: Assessing the Problem: Leadership,
Assessment 1 Instructions: Assessing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations
J.D. is a 37 years old white woman who presents to her gynecologist complaining of a 2-month history of intermenstrual bleeding, menorrhagia, increased urinary frequency, mild incontinence, extreme fatigue, and weakness. Her menstrual period occurs every 28 days and lately there have been 6 days of heavy flow and cramping. She denies abdominal distension, back-ache, and constipation. She has not had her usual energy levels since before her last pregnancy.
Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template
Psychiatric SOAP Note Template Encounter date: ________________________ Patient Initials: ______ Gender: M/F/Transgender ____ Age: _____ Race: _____ Ethnicity ____ Reason for Seeking Health Care: ______________________________________________ HPI:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SI/HI: _______________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: _________________________________________ Appetite: ________________________ Allergies(Drug/Food/Latex/Environmental/Herbal): ___________________________________ Current perception of Health: Excellent Good Fair Poor Psychiatric History: Inpatient hospitalizations: Outpatient psychiatric treatment: Detox/Inpatient substance treatment: History of suicide attempts and/or self injurious behaviors: ____________________________________ Past Medical History Major/Chronic Illnesses____________________________________________________ Trauma/Injury ___________________________________________________________ Hospitalizations __________________________________________________________ Past Surgical History___________________________________________________________ Current psychotropic medications: _________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________ Current prescription medications: _________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________ OTC/Nutritionals/Herbal/Complementary therapy: _________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________ Substance use: (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, caffeine, cigarettes) Family Psychiatric History: _____________________________________________________ Social History Lives: Single family House/Condo/ with stairs: ___________ Marital Status:________ Education:____________________________ Employment Status: ______ Current/Previous occupation type: _________________ Exposure to: ___Smoke____ ETOH ____Recreational Drug Use: __________________ Sexual Orientation: _______ Sexual Activity: ____ Contraception Use: ____________ Family Composition: Family/Mother/Father/Alone: _____________________________ Other: (Place of birth, childhood hx, legal, living situations, hobbies, abuse hx, trauma, violence, social network, marital hx):_________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Health Maintenance Screening Tests: Mammogram, PSA, Colonoscopy, Pap Smear, Etc _____ Exposures: Immunization HX: Review of Systems: General: HEENT: Neck: Lungs: Cardiovascular: Breast: GI: Male/female genital: GU: Neuro: Musculoskeletal: Activity & Exercise: Psychosocial: Derm: Nutrition: Sleep/Rest: LMP: STI Hx: Physical Exam BP________TPR_____ HR: _____ RR: ____Ht. _____ Wt. ______ BMI (percentile) _____ General: HEENT: Neck: Pulmonary: Cardiovascular: Breast: GI: Male/female genital: GU: Neuro: Musculoskeletal: Derm: Psychosocial: Misc. Mental Status Exam Appearance: Behavior: Speech: Mood: Affect: Thought Content: Thought Process: Cognition/Intelligence: Clinical Insight: Clinical Judgment: Plan: Differential Diagnoses 1. 2. Principal Diagnoses 1. 2. Plan Diagnosis #1 Diagnostic Testing/Screening: Pharmacological Treatment: Non-Pharmacological Treatment: Education: Referrals:
Module 1 Discussion Name Affiliation Course Instructor Due date Module 1 Discussion Relationship between Mental Illness and Religion There are many facets and complex interactions between mental illness and religion. Understanding that there is no inherent conflict between mental illness and religious beliefs is crucial. How they interact varies widely based on personal experiences and cultural settings. The 44-year-old white Australian man's mental health problems and religious views are related to his belief that he was possessed by a spirit following his use of an Ouija board. His early use of the Ouija board, a device frequently connected to spiritual or paranormal activities, perhaps contributed to the onset of his delusions. His conviction that a spirit had taken over and was living inside him is in line with the signs of a mental illness, especially a delusional disease. This situation is not unusual since people struggling with mental health disorders often view what they are going through via the prism of their spiritual or religious beliefs. In this instance, the man's ability to understand his experiences from a religious perspective, despite his nonreligious upbringing, illustrates how flexible the relationship between mental illness and religion can be. Another facet of the relationship between mental illness and religion is illustrated by the man's decision to endure two exorcisms and seek assistance from a local church. Rituals and practices for dealing with alleged spiritual or demonic forces are included in many religious and spiritual traditions, and they can provide consolation to people going through upsetting symptoms (Cook, 2021). It is important to understand that although some might find that religious or spiritual support helps, it cannot replace evidence-based mental health care. The fact that the exorcisms, in this instance, were unable to relieve the man's symptoms emphasizes how crucial it is to receive the proper psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
DO CASE STUDY 3 THROUGHOUT ADVANCED HEALTH ASSESSMENT Module 1 Discussion No unread replies.No replies. Religious, Cultural, Spiritual Beliefs, History Taking, Physical Exam, & Documentation Strategies For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case number. Answer the following questions. Please be specific and relate your questions to your specific case (s). Assignments per case study are below. What are the barriers to interpersonal communication? What are the procedures and examination techniques that you will use during the physical exam of your patient? Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are. Submission Instructions: You have been assigned your case number (See Announcement), and you will post about the case number you have been assigned. You will reply to your peers who have posted on the other two case studies (One of each). Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources other than your textbook. Your initial post is worth 8 points. You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Use at least 1 academic source for each response to your peers other than your textbook. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response). All replies must be constructive and literature must be used accordingly. Your replies must be at least 150 words each. Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday. You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Assessment 2 Instructions_ Applying Research Skills –
Assessment 2 Instructions: Applying Research Skills – ... 07/03/2023, 21:34 Course Navigation Tutorials Support Log Out Elisha Cochran Trilla Mays Stephanie Guernsey FACULTY COACH Assessment 2 Instructions: Applying Research Skills Create a 2-4 page annotated bibliography and summary based on...
Assessment 1 Instructions_ Nursing Informatics in Health Care
Assessment 1 Instructions: Nursing Informatics in Health Care ... 09/04/2023, 18:12 Course Navigation Tutorials Support Log Out Shawn Dwight 1155 Assessment 1 Instructions: Nursing Informatics in Health Care Write a 4-5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in...
You should respond to at least two of your peer...
HIV discussion post
Saloner, B., Wilk, A. S., & Levin, J. (2020). C...